Our Services

Our service pricing is established based upon the complexity of the requested services, the texture, thickness and length of the hair and the amount of time and product required to achieve the result. We also take into account our geographical location, our high quality product line up and of course, our unparalleled quality over quantity approach.

Depending on the level of experience, pricing will vary from stylist to stylist.

Like you, we don’t like surprises! Your stylist will go over the cost of your services before proceeding with your appointment.

All listed prices are base prices and are subject to change at the stylist’s discretion

At your request, we will provide you with an estimate upon booking your appointment. If a more ‘exact’ figure is desired, consultations are offered and can be booked for a small fee that will then be applied to your services should you choose to proceed with booking.

  • Women’s…………………$70+


    Under 10.........................$35+

  • Root Color………….…………$75+

    Color Balance.......................$30+


    Eyebrow Tint……………………..…$10+

  • Custom (up to 6 foils)..………$60+

    Express (one section)…..……$100+

    Partial (top, face frame & crown)…$130+

    Full (Scattered through entire head)…$160+

    Extra Full….………..CONSULT


    Root Smudge……………$30+

  • Blowout (short).……….…..…$40+

    Blowout (long).……….…..…$50+

    Iron Add-On…………..………$15+


  • Botanical Treatment………..……$25+

    Shine Treatment....................... $30+

  • Eyebrow……….…..…$15



  • 15 mins…… $30

    *All services include a consult. This option is for those requesting a consultation prior to booking services.